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Development of New Gamified Education Platforms with Over 2,600 Activities

CNA Idiomas, as a consolidated company in the market, understands the importance of innovating in education to continue delivering value to its students.

With the growth of study apps and gamification in various areas, CNA saw the opportunity and 
need to further differentiate itself in the market and offer this experience to its customers.

But how to create something impactful and useful to revolutionize the future of education? See how this project was developed here at DB1.

Innovative and accessible English teaching

With CNA Go and CNA Net, English learners are now able to learn hands-on using an app specially designed for an incredible learning experience, without losing contact with real teachers. With various levels of the game available for practice, students can record audios to test their pronunciation, write to test their spelling of the English language, and listen to exercise their understanding.

CNA Net exists to complement classroom language teaching, also with gamification elements, a differentiated interface for children, young people, and adults. It allows online conversations with real teachers.

All of this was only possible in an application thanks to the team's enormous commitment to carrying out all usability tests. Today, CNA is proud to bring innovation to English teaching. And DB1 is proud to have been a part of it.

Check out the CNA video case

Faced with the mission of developing a mobile app focused on improving the student experience through gamification, CNA sought out DB1 Global Software to understand our work model. After knowing in detail all the technical certifications and the profile of the DB1 teams, CNA felt confident that the technical complexity and the challenging deadline would not prevent a great delivery.

Project numbers

Growth of approximately
in the use of the CNA student portal, compared to the same period before the pandemic.
of the network maintained its operations with synchronous classes, and the CNA Live Class satisfaction level was above 90%.
study and practice activities, among 18 courses created

The technical challenge of guaranteeing the experience of almost half a million students

At the beginning of the project, during the requirements analysis phase, it became clear what the best methodology should be for the reality of the project, considering the latent need to meet the scheduled delivery time. This adaptation of methodologies to meet the specificities of the project is part of DB1's know-how.

We brought together a team of specialists to ensure a smooth user interaction experience: Mobile developers, web developers, UX and UI analysts, software architects, project managers, and QAs made the difference and took care of even the smallest details.

What was delivered?

We developed CNA Go and CNA Net, modern English teaching platforms that combine online (75%) and in-person (25%) activities, promoting interaction between students of the same level with the support of audios, videos, and online teachers.

With various levels of the game available for practice, students can record audios to test their pronunciation, write to work on spelling, and listen to exercise their understanding of the language.

Nas palavras do cliente:

In the words of the client:

“If I had to put it in one sentence; working with DB1 was absolutely incredible.”
Jaimé Cará Junior
Coordinator of Educational Technology and Continuing Education at CNA National Administration