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Omni: New Mobile App Developed to Streamline Processes

Omni Soluções Financeiras revolutionized the entire credit analysis process by announcing the Omni+ mobile and desktop platform, developed by DB1 Global Software. The goal was to streamline credit granting and put customer benefits at the center of the process.
The partnership between Omni and DB1 enabled the development of a mobile app that benefited over 222,000 people, including retailers, credit agents, and consumers, providing greater speed, ease, and security in transactions.

User satisfaction , developer pride 

The DB1 Global Software team worked together with Omni to develop the Omni+ application. It was a job based on processes that guarantee delivery on time and a low rework rate.

Omni+ allowed a significant reduction in the number of fields in the simulator, making the process more agile and efficient. Now, with just six fields, it is possible to make a first shot that pre-approves the financing conditions, providing a faster and less bureaucratic experience for the customer.

The project involved disruptive technologies, transforming the Omni segment and bringing more access to banking, variety of financial asset portfolio and more liquidity to the system. User satisfaction is a source of pride for DB1, which is committed to continuing to help Omni grow and innovate in the Brazilian market.

DB1, together with Omni, has been co-creating solutions and developing innovative products for the backoffice and for the target audience, improving their applications and developing new features for existing products.

Confira o case Omni em vídeo

The partnership between Omni Soluções Financeiras and DB1 Global Software has enabled

Over 100,000 downloads on Google Play
Over 63,000 downloads on the App Store
deliverables generated
Convenience for over 222,000 people
Including retailers, credit agents and consumers
Ease and security
For customers, who obtain detailed financing information on the spot
More agility
In the credit analysis process for vehicle salespeople

title com no mínimo 3 palavras

+50 anos
Baixo índice de erros encontrados pelos clientes
+6 milhões
NPS (Net promoter score)
Exemplo de texto para explicar o número
IEC 0,7%
Baixo índice de erros encontrados pelos clientes
NPS (Net promoter score)
Exemplo de texto para explicar o número

The challenge of making credit granting practical 

The vehicle credit granting process is laborious, bureaucratic, and customers often have difficulty finding all the necessary information. The biggest challenge in developing the app was to simplify this process and bring practicality to both the seller and the customer.

What was delivered?

The focus of the development was to offer a unique user experience, taking into account the needs of the end customer. The interface was designed to provide all relevant financing information in a clear and intuitive way, simplifying the credit analysis process.

Ten specialists were selected for the project, and in just over two months, Omni+ was conceived, with almost 300 deliverables generated.

Nas palavras do cliente:

In the words of the client:

"With the development of Omni+, we seek to streamline credit granting processes to make the process more dynamic. We carried out UX work to develop this app and other solutions, with a real concern for the end user and putting customer benefits at the center of the process."
Murilo Silvério
Director of Operations at Omni Soluções Financeiras